Our Blog

Our mission is to provide you with the latest insights, tips, and research to help you maintain and improve your hearing health. From identifying early signs of hearing loss to exploring the latest hearing aid technologies, we cover a broad range of topics designed to educate and empower our readers. Whether you're concerned about your own hearing, looking out for a loved one, or just curious about how to protect this vital sense, you've come to the right place. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of technology, hearing conservation, and hearing wellness.

Latest Blogs

August 20, 2018

Is Your Mood Connected to Hearing Loss?

We’ve all experienced the warm, fuzzy feeling of a dopamine boost after working out, listening to a favorite song, taking a bite of dark chocolate or receiving a sweet message from a loved one.
August 11, 2018

Closed-caption Phones Open Up Doors for People with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can detract from a person’s life in a myriad of little ways where gradual difficulties can accumulate into significant challenges.
July 16, 2018

Invest in Better Headphones to Help Prevent Hearing Loss

Hearing loss isn’t just something that affects the aging.
July 3, 2018

This Fourth of July, Protect Your Family’s Hearing

It’s almost time to celebrate the red, white and blue! The Fourth of July is a wonderful time for us in the United States.
June 19, 2018

Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Hearing Aids

Welcome Summer! While the chilly weather can present come challenges to hearing aid wearers, so can the warm weather.
June 14, 2018

Healthy Diet May Stave Off Age-Related Hearing Loss for Women

A recently discovered benefit of a healthy diet for women is less change of hearing loss as you grow older.
June 7, 2018

Improve Family Communication by Treating Hearing Loss

Perhaps the best gift you can give dad this Father’s Day is the gift of re-engagement into family life.
May 27, 2018

Tips for Working with Hearing Loss

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 60% of workers in the US workforce experience some degree of hearing loss, and the number is growing.
May 24, 2018

A Possible Link Between Exercise and Reduced Risk for Hearing Loss

By now you likely know that exercise has great benefits for a variety of physical and mental health issues.
May 9, 2018

Get Your Hearing Tested for Better Speech and Hearing Month

Every May, the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) raises awareness around hearing loss and communication disorders with Better Speech and Hearing Month.
April 27, 2018

The Pros & Cons of Different Hearing Aid Styles

Choosing the right hearing aid is a big decision.
April 25, 2018

Going Digital with Your Hearing Aids

Over the past several decades a digital revolution has happened in the hearing aid industry creating a new generation of hearing aids with astounding power and nuance, alongside sleek and discrete design.
April 19, 2018

Hearing Aids Are Found to Improve Depressive Symptoms

Hearing loss is a condition of our auditory system, but the effects of hearing loss aren’t just limited to our ears.
April 11, 2018

Hearing Loss Could Restrict Mobility & Quality of Life

Nobody wants a disability to hold them back, yet untreated hearing loss can do just that.
March 23, 2018

Treating Sudden Hearing Loss

The sudden loss of hearing in one or both ears can be frightening, but many patients make a full recovery.
March 14, 2018

Dealing with Noise Pollution in Your Neighborhood

Many people aren’t aware that the sounds they hear every day could be harming their hearing, increasing their stress levels, and impacting their general health in a negative way.
March 9, 2018

What is Single Sided Hearing Loss?

When hearing is lost in one ear, the symptoms can be life-changing.
February 22, 2018

Save Your Senses as You Age

As part of the normal aging process many of us experience changes in our senses, from seeing less to hearing less, or noticing changes in our ability to taste, smell, and touch.
February 16, 2018

Oticon's HearingFitness App Wins 2018 CES Award

Have you been wondering if your hearing aid is doing everything it can to help you hear, or if there’s anything else you need to know about your hearing health?
January 31, 2018

4 Ways to Protect Your Hearing in 2018

With the new year, we all look forward to a fresh start with our goals and projects.
January 31, 2018

The Pros & Cons of Different Hearing Aid Types

Intervening in hearing loss can make a significant difference in quality of life.
January 28, 2018

Everyday Noises that May Harm Your Hearing

When we think of sounds that could seriously harm our hearing, we may think very loud sounds, such as a jet engine taking off or non-stop drilling on a sidewalk.
December 28, 2017

Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss

As an invisible condition that tends to occur gradually, hearing loss is often overlooked by those who experience it.
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Hearing Consultants

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10766 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
