October 17, 2018

Common Questions About Hearing Loss

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There’s a lot of misinformation floating around out there about hearing loss and hearing aids. The best thing to do is get a hearing test at Hearing Consultants, and that will determine if you have hearing loss. We can answer all your questions and make sure you are 100% confident about your treatment plan. Have you heard these misstatements about hearing loss and hearing aids?

Myth #1: Surgery Can Fix It

The most recent statistics show surgery is an option to correct hearing loss in adults in only five to 10 percent of cases. The best treatment for hearing loss is a correctly fitted and adjusted pair of hearing aids – we’ll even let you test drive a set before you buy!

Myth #2: I Only Need One Hearing Aid

Age-related hearing loss occurs in both ears. If you think one “hears” better than the other, you tend to favor it and tell people to talk to you in your “good” ear. Two hearing aids will adjust your hearing, so you have two good ears. Sound comes from all around you, and you need both ears processing the sound and translating it. Both ears process the sound into one thought might be a simpler way of putting it. You probably don’t even realize you are carrying on conversations tilting your head to one side or constantly turning your head because you believe you can hear better in that “good” ear.

Myth #3: Hearing Loss Only Affects Old People and I’m Not Old

Hearing loss affects all age groups. Two-thirds of those with hearing loss are younger than age 64. Six million people between the ages of 18 and 44 in the United States have some hearing loss, and more than 1 million school-age children have hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss, that occurs if you have been subjected to a barrage of loud noise like at work, can occur at any age.

Myth #4: Hearing Loss Is Normal as You Get Old

Yes, but so is vision issues. You don’t mind wearing glasses or contacts to correct your vision. Why shouldn’t you wear hearing aids to correct your hearing loss?

Myth #5: Hearing Loss Can’t Be Corrected

That’s only true if there’s been significant nerve damage. About 95 percent of those experiencing hearing loss can be helped with hearing devices, and if tinnitus or ringing in the years is an issue, that too can be helped with hearing aids. Many hearing aid models come with phone apps and small pocket remotes that will help with tinnitus.

Myth #6: Everybody Is Going to Be Staring at Those Big Hearing Aids

People are going to be staring at you if you keep asking them to repeat themselves. People are going to wonder if you answer a question inappropriately because you didn’t hear it. They are going to wonder why you’ve got the TV turned up so high. Hearing aids aren’t bulky like those molded hunks of plastic your grandparents might have had to wear. They are tiny miracles of technology that fit inside your ear canal, and no one will know they are there but you. Or, they tuck flat behind your ear. Or, they have a tiny clear receiver that many people mistake as a high-tech Bluetooth device. If they are outside the ear canal, they contour to the back of your ear and can be ordered in a number of flesh colors or colors to match your hair. Or, if you desire, you can get them in designer colors.

Myth #7: Everything Is Too Loud with Hearing Devices

Not true. They have miniature microprocessors that adjust to sound levels. It isn’t necessary to turn them up or turn them down; they will even self-adjust! If you enjoy the outdoors, there are even special hearing aids that modulate wind noise. They even “remember” if you had to adjust the sound, and the next time you are at that same location, they automatically adjust to the setting you found comfortable.

Myth #8: I’m Worried About the Cost

At Hearing Consultants, we can show you models and options to fit your needs and your pocketbook, and remember, there’s a trial period for the hearing aids so you aren’t going to get one that you will wear once and then put away. Don’t delay, call Hearing Consultants today for a hearing test.

Dr. Teague earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Hearing, Speech and Language from Ohio University and his Doctoral Degree in Audiology from The University of Louisville. He is an active member of the American Academy of Audiology and the Ohio Board of Audiology.

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