Our Blog

Our mission is to provide you with the latest insights, tips, and research to help you maintain and improve your hearing health. From identifying early signs of hearing loss to exploring the latest hearing aid technologies, we cover a broad range of topics designed to educate and empower our readers. Whether you're concerned about your own hearing, looking out for a loved one, or just curious about how to protect this vital sense, you've come to the right place. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of technology, hearing conservation, and hearing wellness.

Latest Blogs

May 10, 2019

May is Better Speech and Hearing Month!

At least 20 percent of U.S. adults, at some point in their lives experience a significant difficulty in hearing.
April 27, 2019

Falls & Accidents Are More Likely with Hearing Loss

Did you know that living with untreated hearing loss increases your risk of having a fall or accident?
April 15, 2019

How Exercise, Diet, Sleep, and Hearing Affect Brain Aging

Have you been wondering what factors affect your brain, and what can lead to early aging?
March 28, 2019

New Standards to Protect Young Peoples' Hearing

Our world is full of noise, now more than ever before, and it just keeps getting louder.
March 14, 2019

Hearing Impairment May Affect Visual Learning

If you’re a parent, we know you want the best for your children.
February 15, 2019

How Do We Hear Voices in a Crowd?

Anyone who has hearing aids will have experienced the many benefits they offer to our lives.
February 9, 2019

Symptoms of Memory Loss Could Actually Be Hearing Loss

The connection between hearing loss and cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have been clearly established in the medical literature.
January 23, 2019

A Link Between Hypertension & Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is linked to a host of negative health outcomes, such as reduced quality of life, relationship struggles, social isolation, and even depression.
December 20, 2018

Understanding Sudden Hearing Loss

Although most people lose their hearing progressively as a natural part of the aging process, other adults have an entirely different experience.
December 14, 2018

Great Things to Hear This Holiday Season in Cincinnati

Take some time during the hustle and bustle of the holidays to meet with family and friends and enjoy the season.
November 30, 2018

Enjoying the Holidays with Hearing Loss

Here we are, right in the midst of the holiday season! One highlight of this time of year is the opportunity to spend time with family and friends at big parties, small get-togethers, and even getting some quality time with our immediate families.
November 19, 2018

November is National Alzheimer's Awareness Month

Did you know that November is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month?
November 16, 2018

How Smoking & Drinking May Affect Hearing

Health professionals point out the risks of smoking and drinking to your health, and the results of numerous recent studies now indicate that drinking, smoking and even exposure to second hand smoke may affect your hearing.
October 17, 2018

Common Questions About Hearing Loss

<https://hearingconsultants.com/hearing-aids/> There’s a lot of misinformation floating around out there about hearing loss and hearing aids.
October 10, 2018

Tips for Students with Hearing Loss

Help your child, or your college-bound student do the best they can in an educational setting by reviewing some of these tips.
September 26, 2018

Why People Avoid Treating Hearing Loss - and Why You Should Schedule a Hearing Test!

There are lots of reasons people give for avoiding a hearing test, but there are even more reasons why you should get a hearing test.
September 10, 2018

Cognitive Difficulties and Untreated Hearing Loss

September is World Alzheimer’s month and it seems only fitting we talk about untreated hearing loss.
August 27, 2018

Meditation Could Help Alleviate Tinnitus

Tinnitus, the medical term for a ringing in the ears, is a condition with no known cure.
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Hearing Consultants

Contact our clinic to schedule an appointment today!


10766 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
