May 9, 2018

Get Your Hearing Tested for Better Speech and Hearing Month

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Every May, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) raises awareness around hearing loss and communication disorders with Better Speech and Hearing Month. This year, ASHA’s theme is “Communication for All.” With the understanding that hearing loss affects the way all of us communicate – whether you or a loved one experiences the condition – we hope Better Speech and Hearing Month encourages you to schedule an annual hearing test, regardless of your hearing abilities.

Understanding the Prevalence of Hearing Loss

There’s a good chance that someone you know experiences hearing loss. In the United States, an estimated 48 million Americans (20%) experience some degree of hearing loss. Approximately one in three older Americans (ages 65 and over) experience hearing loss, while for school-aged children, the statistic is 30 out of every 1000.

Based on data from federal surveys, the number of Americans (age 3 and older) living with hearing loss has doubled in 30 years, between 1971 and 2000. Statistics show that an estimated 1 to 6 out of 1000 infants are born with congenital hearing loss, while some may develop congenital hearing loss later in childhood.

As for adults, sudden sensorineural hearing loss occurs within 5 to 20 cases out of 1000, while noise exposure is the most common risk factor, with 30 million Americans exposed on a daily basis to dangerously high sound levels. Approximately 60% of the American workforce experiences some degree of hearing loss.

As the third most common medical condition in the US, after arthritis and heart disease, people from all walks of life may struggle with the difficulties of hearing loss.

What are the Types and Causes of Hearing Loss?

As a subjective condition, hearing loss appears in different degrees and configurations for everyone affected by it. There are three types of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss.

  • Conductive hearing loss: Localized to the outer and middle ear structures, it might occur due to congenital malformations, head trauma, infections, tumors, impacted earwax, or other medical conditions.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss: Refers to problems with the inner ear structure and the process by which sound waves are transformed into electric signals. It can be caused by exposure to loud noise, aging, head trauma, and Meniere’s disease.
  • Mixed hearing loss: The combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing losses.

Hearing loss ranges in degrees of severity, from slight to profound, affecting various aspects of daily life.

The Importance of Annual Hearing Tests

Regardless of your age, an annual hearing test is an important part of every health care regimen, akin to eye exams or physicals. Untreated hearing loss has many negative consequences, including social isolation, depression, anxiety, and reduced workplace productivity.

Taking a hearing test is the first step to treating hearing loss. It is recommended for people over 50 to schedule an annual hearing test. Additionally, people currently treating their hearing loss with hearing aids should check in once a year to ensure their devices are current.

Visit Us at Hearing Consultants

Our team at Hearing Consultants provides comprehensive hearing tests and hearing aid fittings. In honor of Better Speech and Hearing Month, schedule an appointment to get your hearing tested with us.

Dr. Teague earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Hearing, Speech and Language from Ohio University and his Doctoral Degree in Audiology from The University of Louisville. He is an active member of the American Academy of Audiology and the Ohio Board of Audiology.

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Hearing Consultants

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10766 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
