September 19, 2024

Cognitive Screenings and Hearing Health: The Cognivue Advantage at Hearing Consultants

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Taking care of our brain health is just as important as looking after our physical health. At Hearing Consultants, we understand how closely hearing and thinking abilities are connected. We're excited to offer our patients a new tool called Cognivue. This revolutionary screening tool gives us valuable information about brain health, helping us provide even better hearing care.

The Link Between Hearing and Cognition

New research emphasizes the profound link between hearing loss and cognitive decline. As audiologists, we have consistently observed that unaddressed hearing loss can result in social isolation, depression, and a diminished quality of life. Recent scientific studies, however, have revealed an additional dimension: hearing loss is now recognized as a significant modifiable risk factor for dementia.

When hearing loss occurs, your brain must exert more effort to process and comprehend speech and other sounds. Over time, this increased cognitive load can have a cumulative effect, potentially contributing to accelerated cognitive decline. Hence, by promptly and effectively addressing hearing loss, we may be able to help slow down this process and promote better cognitive health as you age.

Introducing Cognivue: A New Frontier in Cognitive Screening

In our pursuit of delivering the most comprehensive care to our patients, we have integrated the cutting-edge Cognivue screening tool into our practice. Cognivue is a state-of-the-art diagnostic device designed to rapidly and accurately evaluate various facets of cognitive function.

Here are the unique features that set Cognivue apart:

  • Expeditious and Non-Invasive Assessment: The Cognivue screening process is remarkably quick, taking only a few minutes to complete, and it is entirely painless, ensuring maximum comfort for our patients.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Cognivue delves into multiple cognitive domains, encompassing memory, executive function, and processing speed, providing a well-rounded assessment of cognitive capabilities.
  • Objective and Quantifiable Results: The Cognivue screening produces standardized and quantifiable results, enabling us to track cognitive function over time, monitor progress, and make informed decisions regarding patient care.
  • Early Detection of Subtle Changes: Cognivue's ability to identify subtle changes in cognitive function allows us to detect potential issues much earlier than traditional methods, empowering us to intervene promptly and effectively.

How Cognivue Works

When you come in for a Cognivue screening, you'll be seated at a computer with a special input device. The screening consists of a series of simple, game-like tasks that assess different aspects of your cognitive function. These tasks are designed to be engaging and easy to understand, even if you're not particularly tech-savvy.

The Cognivue system analyzes your performance on these tasks and generates a report that provides insights into various aspects of your cognitive health. This report serves as a valuable tool for our audiologists to understand your overall cognitive function in relation to your hearing health.

Why Cognitive Screening Matters

You might be wondering why we're offering cognitive screenings alongside our hearing services. The answer lies in the growing body of research highlighting the interconnected nature of hearing and cognitive health. By assessing both aspects together, we can provide more comprehensive and personalized care. Cognitive screening offers several benefits:

  1. Early Detection: Identifying subtle cognitive changes early on can lead to more effective interventions and better long-term outcomes.
  2. Personalized Care: Understanding your cognitive profile helps us tailor our hearing solutions to your specific needs, ensuring you get the most benefit from your hearing aids.
  3. Tracking Progress: Regular screenings allow us to monitor changes over time, helping us adjust your treatment plan as needed.
  4. Peace of Mind: For many patients, having objective data about their cognitive health provides reassurance and helps them take proactive steps to maintain their mental sharpness.

The Cognivue Advantage for Intergenerational Connections

Many of our patients cherish their relationships with their children, and grandchildren. Maintaining strong cognitive health is crucial for fostering these intergenerational connections. Here's how Cognivue can help:

  1. Better Communication: By addressing both hearing and cognitive health, we can help you stay engaged in conversations with your loved ones, including those energetic grandkids!
  2. Shared Activities: Improved cognitive function means you can more easily participate in games, storytelling, and other activities that create lasting memories with your grandchildren.
  3. Setting a Positive Example: By taking proactive steps to maintain your cognitive health, you're showing your family the importance of self-care at any age.
  4. Prolonged Independence: Early detection and management of cognitive changes can help you maintain your independence longer, allowing you to continue being an active part of your grandchildren's lives.

Integrating Cognivue with Hearing Care

At Hearing Consultants, we believe in providing holistic care that addresses all aspects of your hearing and cognitive health. Here's how we integrate Cognivue screenings into our comprehensive care approach:

  1. Baseline Assessment: When you come in for a hearing evaluation, we may recommend a Cognivue screening to establish a baseline for your cognitive function.
  2. Personalized Hearing Solutions: The insights gained from your Cognivue screening help us fine-tune your hearing aids to better support your specific cognitive needs.
  3. Regular Monitoring: We recommend periodic Cognivue screenings alongside your hearing check-ups to track any changes over time.
  4. Collaborative Care: If your Cognivue results indicate any areas of concern, we can work with your primary care physician or specialist to ensure you receive comprehensive care.

Real Ear Measurements and Cognitive Health

As part of our commitment to providing the best possible hearing care, we use Real Ear Measurements (REM) when fitting hearing aids. This technique allows us to precisely adjust your hearing aids to your unique hearing profile. When combined with insights from Cognivue screenings, REM helps us create a truly personalized hearing solution that supports both your auditory and cognitive health.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Cognitive Health

In addition to addressing hearing loss and offering Cognivue screenings, we provide our patients with lifestyle recommendations to support overall cognitive health:

  1. Stay Physically Active: Regular exercise has been shown to benefit both hearing and cognitive function.
  2. Engage in Mental Stimulation: Puzzles, reading, and learning new skills can help keep your mind sharp.
  3. Maintain Social Connections: Staying socially active is crucial for cognitive health and can be easier with properly fitted hearing aids.
  4. Follow a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins can support both hearing and cognitive health.
  5. Get Quality Sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for cognitive function and overall well-being.
  6. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact both hearing and cognitive health, so finding effective stress management techniques is important.

The Future of Cognitive and Hearing Health

Advancements in audiology and cognitive science are paving the way for more holistic approaches to hearing and cognitive care. At Hearing Consultants, we are dedicated to being at the cutting edge of these developments to offer our patients the most comprehensive and effective healthcare possible.

By incorporating Cognivue screenings alongside our state-of-the-art hearing care services, we are taking a proactive stance in safeguarding your overall health and well-being. We firmly believe that by addressing both hearing and cognitive health, we empower you to maintain an active and engaging lifestyle, fostering stronger connections with your loved ones for years to come.

Schedule Your Comprehensive Evaluation Today

Your hearing and cognitive health are too important to ignore. If you're concerned about changes in your hearing or cognitive function, or if you simply want to take a proactive approach to your health, we encourage you to schedule a comprehensive evaluation at Hearing Consultants. Our experienced audiologists will work with you to assess your hearing, conduct a Cognivue screening if appropriate, and develop a personalized plan to support your overall well-being. Don't wait to take control of your hearing and cognitive health. Contact Hearing Consultants today to schedule your appointment and experience the Cognivue advantage for yourself!

Dr. Teague earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Hearing, Speech and Language from Ohio University and his Doctoral Degree in Audiology from The University of Louisville. He is an active member of the American Academy of Audiology and the Ohio Board of Audiology.

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10766 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
